Learning through the online classroom is one of the challenges that education across the globe encounters during the pandemic COVID-19. It allows learners to interact with teachers, view various presentations or videos, communicate with other peers, and engage them in the resources. One of the current trending additions to the virtual classroom is Google Classroom, which was announced to be a new tool in Google Apps for Education. As such, this study explored the effectiveness of Google Classroom among the Year 4 pupils by identifying the pupils’ perceptions as well as their satisfaction towards the Google Classroom. This quantitative research served as a pilot study in order to assure reliability of the Use of Google Classroom as a tool for teaching and learning. It is also a common paradigm in quantitative research. 30 pupils were selected at random and questionnaires were distributed to them online. The researchers followed the procedures to get feedback from the participants. The feedback then was analyzed and tabulated using the IBM SPSS Statistics (version 23) to calculate the percentage to identify the effectiveness of Google Classroom among the pupils. The results obtained shows that a higher number of the students are satisfied with Google Classroom application as all the scores obtained were above averages. In particular, the performance is good in the areas of ease of access, perceived usefulness, communication and interaction and students’ satisfaction towards the Google Classroom’s learning activities.
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In-Text Citation: (Vasu & Shah, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Vasu, I., & Shah, P. M. (2022). The Perceptions of Year 4 Pupils on Google Classroom as a Tool for Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2304–2317.
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