International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Career Adapt-Ability and Social Support among Trainee Teachers

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Career adapt-ability is a process that each individual need to go through including their attitudes, competencies, and behaviors to adapt to the work environment. While social support is the support from significant family, friends and individuals who contribute to one’s personal well-being in the process of career adapt-ability. This study aims to identify the level and relationship between career adapt-ability and social support of undergraduate students. This study uses descriptive and correlation design to measure the level and relationship between the variables. A total of 83 undergraduate students at a public university who were preparing for their internship were involved as respondents of this study. Two instruments were used in this study namely, the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) to measure career adjustment, and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) to measure social support. Findings found that the overall career adapt-ability and social support among undergraduate students are at high level. Findings also showed significant relationship between adapt-ability and friends support (r = .216, p < .05). However, there is no significant relationship between career adapt-ability with family support (r = .127, p > .05.) and significant others support (r = .048, p > .05). This study has implications towards counsellor role in developing student’s career program in terms of adaptation and social support. Thus, the recommendations for this study are (i) counsellors need to know and be skilled in using instruments; and (ii) further studies should focus on experimental design to measure the impact of an implemented career program.
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In-Text Citation: (Mahmud et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mahmud, M. I., Amat, S., & Ghazali, S. H. (2022). Career Adapt-Ability and Social Support among Trainee Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2215–2224.