International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influence of Brand Equity and Price Consciousness on Consumers’ Brand Purchase Intention of Fashion Retail Apparel

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In this era, competition among brands, especially in the fashion industry is high. However, other than the brand itself, price consciousness is also considered as a factor that is important for customers. This study aims to determine the influence of brand equity and price consciousness towards consumers’ brand purchase intention of Cotton On brand retail apparel. This study had utilized the Signalling Theory as well as price consciousness as the exogenous variables. This study applied quantitative design by distributing a questionnaire and obtained 163 valid responses who are the consumers of the Cotton On brand through purposive sampling technique. Based on the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) results, it indicated that brand awareness, brand association, and perceived quality of Cotton On brand have a positive and significant relationship with Cotton On brand purchase intention. Additionally, price consciousness has a negative, but significant relationship with Cotton On brand purchase intention. However, brand loyalty was not the factor that influence Cotton On brand purchase intention. The study contributes to the branding and marketing scholarship by incorporating price consciousness as a construct to further enhance the model through Signalling theory. Besides, it also provides strategies for marketers and brand managers to understand the brand equity elements that are perceived prominent in the fashion retail industry to strategies their consumer’s behavior initiatives. Conclusion, theoretical and managerial implications as well as suggestions for subsequent studies were also highlighted in this study.
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In-Text Citation: (Sari et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sari, N. N., Chan, T. J., & Abd-Ghani, N. H. (2022). The Influence of Brand Equity and Price Consciousness on Consumers’ Brand Purchase Intention of Fashion Retail Apparel. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2197– 2214.