This paper presents the conceptual model of TM practices on engineers’ ITS in Malaysia’s manufacturing sector. This article argues that the best retention strategy for employees fails to capture the peculiarities of HRM practices amongst engineers. The article instead articulates the view that the different and unique KSAs of engineers allow manufacturing companies to adopt distinct practices, which may not cohere with the perspective of standard HRM practices within organisations. The article aims to further the thesis that the approach to TM practices does not always match with manufacturing engineers because of their unique characteristics as talent resources. This makes TM prescriptions for workforces invalid on engineers, especially in the manufacturing sector. As this is a theoretical-based article, a systematic literature review method was conducted to draw findings and conclusions. The findings of the article show that the engineers' high shortages and low retention in the market make it hard to generalise TM practises across all levels of an organisation. This shows that the practices that work in companies may not always work at the same level of an organisation. TM practices in manufacturing companies must be reviewed and modified in order to retain engineers for a long time and sustain the company's competitive advantage. The findings also give future research a better idea of how manufacturing companies manage their talent resources by revealing the company's unique way of managing talent, especially engineering talent. The article is important because it has opened up new avenues to look at TM and how it works for manufacturing engineers.
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In-Text Citation: (Alias et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Alias, N. E., Hussein, N., Wei-Loon, K., Othman, R., & Marmaya, N. H. (2022). A Conceptual Model of Engineers’ Retention: A Review of Talent Management Practices in Manufacturing Sector. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2179– 2196.
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