In accordance with the level of human needs, primary needs consisting of clothing, food and housing have always been the main thing in choosing a business. Based on this, it is not surprising that the food business has an increasing trend. An increase in demand will lead to an increase in food supply. This is in accordance with the law of supply and demand. There are various food businesses, including restaurant businesses and popular catering businesses (cafes, coffee shops, bakeries and steak houses). Likewise with the types of food sold, some are modern and some are a characteristic of an area. In the field of marketing, the most difficult condition is to keep consumers in order to always buy products from the same seller. To address this problem, one of the methods that must be carried out by your company is to implement a good promotional strategy. Given that one of the purposes of promotion is to remind consumers that the product is still available. Besides being able to serve as a reminder for consumers, promotional strategies are also expected to increase sales volume. The strategy applied can be in the form of a promotion mix consisting of: advertising, sales management, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity.
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In-Text Citation: (Yuliati & Wahyuni, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yuliati, E., & Wahyuni, D. U. (2022). The Role of Promotion Strategies in Increasing the Sales Volume of Regional Specialty Foods in Nampes Hamlet, Baturetno Village, Singosari Malang. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2161-2172.
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