Motivation in learning is somehow very important in most subjects that involve a high degree of interaction. These are relevant to subjects such as Social Marketing that rely on group projects and involvement between learners and people, especially in communicating their messages on campaigns on social issues. Compared to the scenario before the pandemic which the learning process was conducted through a formal one-to-one classroom, however, the pandemic has given both teachers and students teaching/learning to accept online learning as the new norm. Though this new environment somehow affects their motivation to learn. Understanding the both contexts of teachers and learners is crucial in making sure they are able to play their different roles to make the lessons successful and meaningful. This quantitative study is done to investigate how is learner’s motivation online learning presence is influenced by learners’ motives to study a Social Marketing subject. 89 respondents were purposely chosen from learners who took the course. The survey used has 24 items using 5-Likert scales. Findings revealed that the most satisfying thing among students in this program is trying to understand the content of the courses. Learners aim to get a good grade in the classes and that is among the most satisfying things for them. Expectancy components revealed students' perception of self-efficacy in which they believe they will receive excellent results and the belief they had control beliefs for learning. As for affective components, the study revealed that students feel their heart beating fast when they take an exam.
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In-Text Citation: (Che Soh et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Che Soh, M., Puteh, F., Mahmud, M. B., Abdul Rahim, M., Soegiono, A.G., & Rahmat, N.M. (2022). Investigating the Source of Motivation for Online Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2095–2113.
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