This paper presents an aspect of the investigation into the interaction in professional discourse,that focuses on interpersonal meanings in a job interview. The theory of the interpersonal metafunction or the clause as exchange from systematic functional linguistics is used to analyse the interactions between interviewers and interviewees in job interviews. The study uses Mood and Modality to examine closely how interaction is carried out in the interviews. In an interview, the interviewer uses particular speech roles and the interviewee responds accordingly. However, the current study shows a variety of responses that do not always complement the interviewer’s speech role. Data for the study were obtained from 10 interviews from one interview session for the post of customer services. A qualitative content analysis was carried out using Halliday’s Systematic Functional Linguistic theory on the clause as exchange that was deemed suitable to bring out the various meanings in the interviews. A close examination of Mood and Modality was carried out on the recurrent themes in the interviews such as strengths and weaknesses, problem solving strategies and initiative and working experiences of the interviewees. The findings show that recent Malaysian graduates have used mostly “can”at 28 % and “will”at 35 % as Modality resources. A study on the grammatical realisation of interaction in interviews is necessary for recruitment companies, human resources personnel and interviewees themselves. The current study hopes to contribute towards an understanding of current market demands for hiring employees in terms of interviews.
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In-Text Citation: (Krishnan & Sriniwass, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Krishnan, I. A., & Sriniwass, S. (2022). Interactions in Professional Discourses in Job Interviews: The Use of Interpersonal Meaning, Mood and Modality. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1967– 1988.
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