International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Job Demand, Interpersonal Conflict and Occupational Mental Health: A Case Survey in Private College in Northern Region of Peninsular Malaysia

Open access

Siti Farhana Hasanudin, Fauziah Mohd Safar, Noor Saidatul Natrah Saaidun, Nik Azlina Nik Abdullah

Pages 1952-1960 Received: 08 Nov, 2021 Revised: 19 Dec, 2021 Published Online: 29 Jan, 2022
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing of a person. A good mental health also helps individual handles stress, relate to others and make choices while, occupational mental health is one of the work-related stresses that detract employees from optimal job performance and damages organizational effectiveness. Most of the employer do not aware and care about the mental health of their employees. Besides that, it also affects the way of thinking, feeling and acting. Therefore, this cross-sectional study highlighted the main objective as to investigate the relationship between job demand and interpersonal conflict on occupational mental health among employees in private college in northern region of peninsular Malaysia. This quantitative study employed questionnaire as a research instrument and being distributed to the 171 employees via Google form link. A total of 102 completed questionnaires have been received and keyed into SPSS version 26.0 and regression analysis was conducted. The results revealed job demand and interpersonal conflict have a significant relationship with occupational mental health. This study recommends the employer to make adjustment in their current employment practices, justify clearly their employees’ job descriptions and prevent workload or overlapping task to their employees. Employer or organization also need be to more openness toward cultural, style and opinions differences among employees.
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In-Text Citation: (Hasanudin et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hasanudin, S. F., Safar, F. M., Saidon, N. S. N., & Abdullah, N. A. N. (2022). Job Demand, Interpersonal Conflict and Occupational Mental Health: A Case Survey in Private College in Northern Region of Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1952–1960.