International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The State of Impulse Purchase Studies: A Bibliometric Review based on CiteSpace V Applications

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The study aims to review 459 publications pertaining to impulse purchase in the framework of business and management domain. Source data were collected from Web of Science Core Collection from 2001 to 2021 by title searching and citation expansions. To identify present research development and predicting future research trend in impulse purchase field, the study conducted document co-citation analysis and citation burst analysis. The result suggests the most active research is related to the interplay between internal factors and consumer’s impulse purchase, followed by the influence of digital celebrities given the surge of social commerce activities in recent years. It is noted that impulse purchase studies from US dominates the knowledge field, followed by China. Increasing collaboration can be observed among nations and institutions. The study offers insights on current research status and potential research hotspot of impulse purchase studies to researchers of interests.
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In-Text Citation: (Zhou et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Zhou, J., Kian, M. W., & Keong, C. S. (2022). The State of Impulse Purchase Studies: A Bibliometric Review based on CiteSpace V Applications. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1922–1933.