Despite previous genre studies investigating various professional report genres in different contexts, disciplines and languages, the professional report genre in the forestry discipline remain the least explored, particularly from a Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) perspective. This study explored how language represents the forest resource report genre's communicative roles and its predominant linguistic features. This qualitative genre analysis study utilised SFL analytical frameworks in which six reports written in Malay were used as research data in this study. The findings on process types reveal that Action processes are dominant in the forest resource report genre, which indicates that the genre's central concern is on the physical activities and events happening in the forest areas. The role of the genre is to provide preliminary observation and information to assist the forestry department when deciding future directions and planning of forestry-related matters. Results obtained from the study are hoped to illuminate future research on Malay professional texts while simultaneously enriching present knowledge on prominent linguistic features of the professional report genre, particularly on the discourse of forestry discipline.
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In-Text Citation: (Fakhruddin et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Fakhruddin, W. F. W. W., Hassan, H., Saidalvi, A., Adnan, W. N. A. W., & Sazalli, N. (2022). Representation of Experiential Meaning in Forestry Professional Report Genre. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1906–1913.
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