In 2005, the Ministry of Health in Malaysia decided to introduce the needle syringe exchange program to curb the rapid increase of HIV transmission, specifically among people who inject drugs. This short communication paper examines the implementation of the needle syringe exchange program in Malaysia, including an overview of a welfare state that has shaped and influenced access to health care systems in Malaysia. Issues related to legal and socio-cultural context in response to the implementation of the needle exchange program will be discussed. A decrease in HIV cases among Malaysian people will support the social and economic development of the community as a whole. Ultimately, this will support the Malaysian government's commitment to achieving UNAIDS 2030 targets to end AIDS.
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In-Text Citation: (Shaari, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Shaari, A. A. H. (2022). The Implementation of Needle Syringe Exchange Program in Malaysia: A Short Communication. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1876–1884.
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