International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Gender Employment Longevity: I.T Staff Response to Organizational Support in Pakistan

Open access
This research attempts to explain reasons behind employment longevity on the basis of gender among the I.T staff. Previous empirical researches have confirmed the correlation between organisational commitment, job satisfaction, and organisational support programme. However, most researches were single dimension primarily due to their focus on establishing the relationship between above mentioned variables in different organisational settings whereas, this research mainly explore on the grounds of gender’s impact of organisational support programme on the affective, normative, and continuance commitment of I.T staff. Furthermore, the causes and consequences of organisational support programme on I.T personnel is elaborated though "Hypothetico-Inductive-Deductive Model". This cross sectional study is commenced at Incisivesoft (I.T firm), following post-positivism research philosophy. Mixed research method has been used to explore both qualitative as well quantitative aspects related to research problem, using "Online Survey questionnaire" and "In-depth Interviews" as main research instruments used to collect responses from the sample size of 103 participants.
The results reveal that organisational support programme has more impact on the female professionals in the I.T firms as compare to male staff. In the comparative analysis of three dimensions of organizational commitment, normative commitment and continuance commitment is high in female employees whereas male employees have high affective commitment. Moreover, research found that cultural influence is key factor for female's strong obligation towards firm. On the other hand, majority of male employees have "situational commitment" which reflects that their performance is highly driven by the situation at hand. Furthermore, this paper found that female employees are more loyal towards organisation whereas male are high performers but have low level of loyalty towards the organisation due to intense competition in the I.T sector of Pakistan.