International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Conceptual Framework for Evaluation of Diploma Program in Automotive Technology in Vocational Colleges in Malaysia

Open access
This study was conducted to build a conceptual framework for evaluating diploma programs in automotive technology in vocational colleges in Malaysia. The researcher used a conceptual framework based on the study's theoretical framework, which focused on the context, input, process, and product (CIPP) evaluation model of Stufflebeam (1971). The findings indicate that this conceptual framework is suitable for use in this study at the next stage and can be adapted by other researchers.
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In-Text Citation: (Mukhter et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mukhter, M. S., Yunus, J. @ N., & Yuet, F. K. C. (2022). Conceptual Framework for Evaluation of Diploma Program in Automotive Technology in Vocational Colleges in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1815–1820.