Paying zakat has been a practice since a long time ago, even in Prophet Muhammad SAW’s era. Zakat is one of pillars in Islam. Nowadays, there are lower collection rate of zakat funds, which will give a bad perception toward Islam significantly. This is because it will increase the percentage of poor people among the Muslim community. Therefore, it is very important to make sure Muslims have a high level of intention to pay zakat. Thus, in this study, the main objective is to determine the levels of intention to pay zakat among Muslims. Besides that, this study also aims to examine the effects of five selected cause factors (i.e. Role Identity, Self-Religiosity, Subjective Norm, Satisfaction and Corporate Reputation) toward the intention to pay zakat among Muslims. All these six variables were treated as a primary data, since all these variables were measured directly from the targeted respondents. In this study, around 200 Muslims who passed the criteria of ability to pay zakat will be the targeted sample. The study focussed on Muslim residents and 200 respondents participated in this study. The findings indicated that, all these five selected independent variables such as role identity, self-religiosity, subjective norm, satisfaction, and corporate reputation will give a positive significant influence towards the intention to pay zakat among Muslims
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In-Text Citation: (Isa et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Isa, A., Azam, N. F. M., Yusof, F. H. M., & Daud, N. F. M. (2022). Self-psychological and Zakat Institution Factors: It is Reliable to Influence Intention to Pay Zakat among Muslim. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1804–1814.
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