International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A 59 Years (1962-2021) Bibliometric Analysis of Organizational Support Research Articles

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Organizational support is an administrative concern that emphasises well-being and appreciates employees’ contributions. This study aims to determine the revolution of organizational support through published articles. This study employed 3 bibliometric analysis methods: descriptive analysis using Microsoft Excel, citation analysis using Publish or Perish software, and VOSviewer visualisation mapping. A total of 5527 articles within the last six decades (1962 - 2021) were retrieved from the Scopus database for analysis. A majority of the articles were published in the United States of America in the areas of Business, Management, and Accounting. Based on the review, the annual article publication trend has significantly increased each year. The University of Toronto was the most influential institution publishing organizational support articles, whereas, Robert Eisenberger is a well-known author in this area. Also, the International Journal of Human Resource Management is an active source in this topic and Taylor & Francis is a well-known thriving publisher. “Perceived Organizational Support” is the most popular article in this field. The information obtained from this study can be utilised by organizations, organizational policymakers, and researchers to identify future research gaps.
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In-Text Citation: (Francis et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Francis, B. R., Ahmad, R. bin, & Abdullah, S. M. binti. (2022). A 59 Years (1962-2021) Bibliometric Analysis of Organizational Support Research Articles. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1755–1776.