Korean entertainment such as Korean dramas, Korean music and Korean fashion has become increasingly influential worldwide including Malaysia. This study intends to investigate the influence of Korean drama (K-drama) among Malaysian youths in terms of positive and negative influences. As K-dramas become a household name, it is important to find out if there are dangers to its influence and the type of influence it can have on youths today. The study was conducted using a quantitative online survey with a total of 49 respondents and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results indicated that while there were both positive and negative influences of K-drama watching among Malaysian youths, the positive influence was higher than the negative influence which means that there was more positive influence than negative influence among Malaysian youths. Thus, the study recommends that K-drama watching be watched moderately with action taken to filter and select K-dramas that could influence negatively and endanger the thinking of youths.
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In-Text Citation: (Yoke & Jamil, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yoke, S. K., & Jamil, N. I. (2022). The Influence of K-Drama among Youths: A Malaysian Case Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1628–1638.
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