International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Impact on Psychological Capital and Adaptive Performance During Pandemic: A Study of Malaysia Young Professionals in Malaysia Service Sectors Context

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Adaptive Performance Behaviour, the focus of this study, has received much attention as new workplace demands require flexible employees who are tolerant of uncertainties and can successfully perform in dynamic, competitive environments. This study examines the significance of psychological capital on adaptive performance behaviour in the context of young professionals in the Malaysian service sector. PsyCap has continually been a critical factor for optimum organization performance. This study was conducted to determine whether the same elements that impacted PsyCap were still relevant during the pandemic. With the majority of employees being requested to work from home, it is important to determine what factors still affected PsyCap. The study was conducted among young professionals in Malaysia Service Sectors. A total of 173 respondents responded to the questionnaire and data was analysed using PLS. Interestingly, hope was found statistically not a significant factor affecting adaptive performance behaviour.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassian et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hassian, U. K., Samuel, R., & Norane, S. (2022). Impact on Psychological Capital and Adaptive Performance During Pandemic: A Study of Malaysia Young Professionals in Malaysia Service Sectors Context. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1577–1585.