The purpose of this paper is to measure the implementation of brand awareness strategies to attract new customer into the company. The study aims ‘To identify the issues related to the brand awareness of the company’s products among its potential and existing customers, to implement the intervention to increase the brand awareness of the company’s products and ‘To recommend marketing plan to increase brand awareness of the company’s products. The mixed method is chosen throughout the process. This research study was carried out and finished within three semesters. The interview and the survey are performed to collect the results. The study was divided into two stages, Qualitative study was conducted for cycle 1 only, to identify the problems and to propose the interventions. The initial meeting to classify the issue of diagnosis and to acquire supporting documentation is followed by another interview session to assess the intervention that is run by the company and another interview session has been conducted with the existing customer which purposely to share the issues, awareness, and experience with the company’s product and service. In this qualitative study, thematic analysis approach was used for data analysis using NVivo software. There are three interventions that have been made by the company; ‘To increase the brand awareness by using social media platform’, and ‘To create new uniform design with the company logo for employees. Next, in second stage, Quantitative analysis was used to measure the effectiveness of the intervention in cycle 1 and cycle 2. In the Cycle 1, survey questionnaires were distributed by online to 60 new potential customers to participate in the pre-survey towards the company brand to measure ‘Awareness on product and service of company and Awareness on product and service of company in social media. After that, the remain customer from the pre-survey were participated in the post-survey to measure ‘Awareness on product and service of company, Awareness on product and service of company in social media and Implementation of the intervention’. A descriptive and T-test analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Consequently, the triangulation approach was used to combine all quantitative and qualitative results to produce a reliable outcome. Based on the observation, there is a difference between the mean and standard deviation ratings for both before and after implementing the intervention. Hence, the null hypothesis was rejected, and the result showed that there is a difference between before and after the intervention implementation. In Cycle 2 Action Research, Quantitative method was used in this analysis. In this cycle 2, an online survey questionnaire already been provided to 100 of customers. A descriptive and T-test analysis has been carried out using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. New intervention has been implemented in Cycle 2; ‘To increase the awareness by using Facebook Page’ and ‘To appoint a marketing consultant’. There was positive improvement before and after intervention implementation, indicating that all three of our objectives were successfully achieved. Nevertheless, the company’s social media participation score remained comparatively modest. As a result, new future intervention should be updated based on study outcomes and company preferences.
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In-Text Citation: (Hussin & Hishan, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hussin, K., & Hishan, S. S. (2022). The Implementation of Brand Awareness Strategies to Attract New Customer to The Company. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1461–1478.
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