COVID-19 severely impacted the tourism industry locally and globally. During the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), the Malaysian government urged the people in the nation to take their family for vacation and to travel domestically to support the rejuvenation of the hotel sector. However, due to the harmful and contagious nature of COVID-19, the safety of the family members, especially the young and dependent children makes taking a vacation is fraught with uncertainty. Thus, this study sought to discover the safety procedures and associated actions taken by tourism providers with the implementation of the RMCO while concurrently combating and breaking the chain of infection. The objectives of the study are to investigate COVID-19 safety procedures in resuming tourism operation and to analyse the execution of safety procedures in family vacation consumption. The study covers the in-situ safety procedures experienced in family vacations during the COVID-19 pandemic at several popular family vacation destinations in Malaysia, which are located about a two-hour drive journey from the country’s capital city. The results of the study present the preventive measures taken by local tourism providers in accordance with the guidelines provided by the local authorities. It is hoped that this study would contribute to existing knowledge on the preventive actions taken in facing the pandemic, specifically to the tourism field of education.
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In-Text Citation: (Fazil et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Fazil, F., Choy, E. A., Ahmad, H., Singh, S. J., Tambi, N., & Jusoh, H. (2022). Preventive Measures for Family Vacation during COVID-19. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1447–1460.
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