In order to measure the level of airport service, consumers can categorize their experiences into passenger and freight disposition, waiting areas, mobile facilities within the airport, auxiliary facilities, and accessible traffic equipment. If the service delivery having issues and not up to the expectation of customers, it can affect the business. The SERVQUAL model, which is test in this study, is the widely approach of measuring service quality in order to help service providers in identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This study uses the quantitative method through survey in order to know the extent of customers satisfies and how dimensions of SERVQUAL has relationship with customer satisfaction at Penang Airport. The findings show that customers are satisfies with the services given by the airport and dimension of assurance seems the strong relationship with customer satisfaction. In recommendation, the author hopes the airport management will increase more effective signage and wayfinding at Penang International Airport, as well as an understanding of the needs of passengers. In future research, perhaps more studies will unearth the service delivery from different aspect to assists management of the airport more transparent and down to earth entertaining the customers.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahim et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, A. R. bin A., Zakaria, Z., Noordin, N. @ N., & Sawal, M. Z. H. M. (2022). Are Customers Satisfied with Service Quality in Malaysia Airports? Empirical Findings from Penang Airport. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1349–1358.
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