One of Ausubel’s Theory criteria is the process of combining and relating current information to existing knowledge that students already have. Thus, this theory can encourage students to think about the basic information of Arabic Grammar that they have learned and then reuse the information during learning activities. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the question and problem about the students making mistakes constantly on the pronunciation of the last letter of the Arabic word in reading Arabic text. The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between the Ausubel’s Theory and Basic Grammar Mapping (BGM) to assist the process of reading Arabic texts. This study will also explain about the reflection of Ausubel’s Theory Application (ATA) on the implementation of Basic Grammar Mapping (BGM) while reading Arabic texts. The methodology of the study is by observation and simple test of reading skills. The findings of the study explain that the reflection of Ausubel’s Theory Application (ATA) during the implementation of Basic Grammar Mapping (BGM) when reading Arabic texts has a positive effect on the mastery of Arabic grammar such as i’rab, improves reading skills and inculcates critical thinking activities.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, W. B., Azizan, K. F. B. K., Rahman, A. B. A., Jamali, H. N. B., & Nordin, H. M. (2022). Reflection on The Ausubel’s Theory Application (ATA) in Basic Grammar Mapping (BGM) For Teaching Arabic Text Reading Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1340– 1348.
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