International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Fostering Innovation through Knowledge Transfer and Social Capital in The Hospitality Industry

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Confronted with fierce competition and the current global economic crisis, it becomes a hot topic in the Hospitality Industry on how to maintain and raise revenues. Research has confirmed that shifting focus to innovation presents a new perspective on value creation and increase performance. Thus, this research purposed to measure the innovation creation of employees in hospitality industries through the knowledge transfer process. The respondents are from Hotel Under Marriot International Inc. The data were collected using an online survey among (n = 200) top, middle, and lower managers in Malaysia. A structural equation model using SPSS-analysis of moment structures (AMOS) was developed to examine how the variables were related. Results showed that: (1) Knowledge transfer is related to innovation capability; (2) Social capital is related to innovation capability and (3) Social capital is related to knowledge transfer. The novelty of this research is the contribution of the present body of knowledge through the development of the adapted model of knowledge transfer-social capital-innovation capability concerning the hospitality industry. The findings could guide stakeholders and policymakers in formulating plans and action towards the betterment of the knowledge transfer process that can elevate the innovation capability of the organization.
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In-Text Citation: (Hashimi et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hashimi, H., Jamaludin, N. L., Isa, S. S., & Ali, A. (2022). Fostering Innovation through Knowledge Transfer and Social Capital in The Hospitality Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1310–1323.