International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Task Performance and Information Technology Usage: The Mediating Role of the IT Department

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This study aims at investigating the impact of Information Technology (IT) usage on task performance (TP) in Jordanian public universities (JPUs). In addition, the study examines the mediation role of the Information Technology department (ITD) in this relationship. A questionnaire survey was sent online to the employees in public universities, and the number of respondents was 997 employees. The data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS23. The study's findings revealed that information technology usage plays a significant role in improving employees' task performance. The results showed that information technology usage positively and directly affects task performance. The results also showed that the information technology department plays a partial mediator role in the relationship between information technology usage and the workers' task performance. The current study suggests that an essential need to switch to computerized management information systems to a gradual switch to electronic management is needed to enhance task performance. Adopting internal electronic correspondence rather than paper contributes significantly to minimizing administrative financial expenses and speed task performance in order to completing work and developing E-HRM in universities. They have a crucial role in switching to electronic management and digitalization. Limitations and directions for future researches are, likewise, discussed.
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In-Text Citation: (Al-edenat & Alzaghmim, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Al-edenat, M., & Alzaghmim, A. (2022). Task Performance and Information Technology Usage: The Mediating Role of the IT Department. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1259–1275.