National Agro-Food Policy 2011–2020 considered genetic modification (GM) technology as a way to ensure food security in a sustainable industry. The soon to be launched National Agro-Food Policy 2021-2030 (DAN 2.0) aims to transform the agri-food sector into a sustainable, competitive, and high-technology industry. Modern biotechnologies will boost economic growth and improve people’s well-being. The legal framework that is currently in place covers the procedural aspects of GM technology which focuses on balancing the development of biotechnology industries and the protection of people and the environment. It applies the principles of risk assessment and risk management. Preservation of fundamental principles of human rights makes it crucial to assess the ethical aspects of GM technology. This paper aims to assess the bioethical issues in GM technology relating to farmer’s rights and to propose for an integration of bioethical issues in the decision-making process. It will provide an overview of overlapping regulatory frameworks for biosafety pertaining to GM crops. This is normative research with a legal approach that emphasizes the common analysis through secondary data. As an output, this paper will produce a legal framework that assesses the ethical issues of GM crops which can assist the policymakers and relevant stakeholders with regards to decisions that impact farmers' rights.
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In-Text Citation: (Idris et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Idris, S. H., Shamsuddin, N., Jayabalan, S., Omar, H., Majeed, A. B. A., Amin, L., & Nashir, I. M. (2022). Bioethical Issues of Genetically Modified Crops: The Rights of the Farmers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1208–1215.
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