Financial transactions are among the most significant aspects addressed by Islamic Sharia due to their role in stimulating economic activity in both Islamic and non-Islamic societies. One such financial transaction that plays a vital role in fostering love, harmony, and cooperation within communities, in addition to facilitating the circulation and growth of wealth, is leasing (Ijarah) in its various forms. Researchers, both classical and contemporary, have examined leasing due to its central role in people's lives today, especially as it evolves into new and innovative forms not seen in previous eras. This research employs a qualitative methodology, using both analytical and inductive approaches to examine the concept of leasing and its modern applications. It focuses particularly on one form of leasing—joint employment (Ijarah Mushtarakah)—highlighting its challenges, compatibility with Islamic Sharia, and clarifications regarding its rulings. The research identifies numerous issues arising from one or both contracting parties, which affect the proper execution of agreements. These challenges hinder the fulfillment of contracts and require resolution through solutions grounded in Islamic Sharia. Furthermore, the study emphasizes that the joint hireling’s hand is one of liability, holding them accountable for any losses under their care, even in the absence of negligence, according to the dominant opinion.
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