International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Thoughts of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Bukit Bayas in the Book Mir’at Al-Mu’minin Wa Tadhkirah Li Al-Ghafilin

Open access

Azam Rassid, Hasanulddin Mohd, Engku Ibrahim Engku Wok Zin, Khiral Anuar Daud, Ahmad Tirmizi Taha

Pages 421-428 Received: 01 Oct, 2024 Revised: 02 Nov, 2024 Published Online: 03 Dec, 2024
The rapid development of Islam in the Malay Archipelago has been supported by various dominant factors. Among these is the active and comprehensive writing activities, encompassing religious works known as literary manuscripts such as books on tauhid, fiqh, tasawuf, and others. This literary writing plays a crucial role in shaping the culture and Islamic identity within Malay society through the manuscript heritage that remains today. One notable work is Mir’at Al-Mu’minin Wa Tadhkirah Li Al-Ghafilin by Sheikh Abdul Qadir bin Abdul Rahim Bukit Bayas, an Islamic scholar from Pattani who migrated and settled in Terengganu until his passing. This work is an important reference in the fields of fiqh and tasawuf, yet it remains relatively unknown. Interestingly, only one manuscript has been found to date, classifying it as a rare text. This study aims to introduce the prominent figure of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Bukit Bayas and the profile of his work, as well as to highlight several of his thoughts that can be drawn from this text. Data for the study were collected through documentation methods and analyzed using content analysis. The study finds that Sheikh Abdul Qadir was one of the significant Malay scholars who contributed to the dissemination of religious knowledge, particularly in fiqh and tasawuf. He was highly influential in Terengganu, producing several works and mentoring many scholars such as Tok Ku Tuan Besar and Tok Syeikh Duyung. Some of his thoughts in this work are very interesting and relevant for contemporary study and application as guidance for today’s generation. Research on this figure and his work should be strengthened for the benefit of all members of society.
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