This article attempts to trace the connectivity of theoretical formulation of hadith criticism among Orientalists, namely the theory of projecting back, argumentum e silentio, common link, dating, isnâd cum matn analysis, explosive isnâd, and family isnâd that had been constructed by Joseph Schacht, GHA. Juynboll, Harald Motzki, and Nabia Abbott. This study finds that there has been a connection among Orientalists in formulating theories of hadith criticism which can be seen in the similarity of these theories in assessing the Prophet hadiths, although some of them has a little different, but when they are traced there is a common thread connecting them. Some factors cause the connectivity of theoretical formulations of hadith criticism among Orientalists are methodological, socio-geographical, cultural, ideological and world views, language, interests, doctrines, and scientific ethics. These factors encourage the connectivity so they have relatively the same thoughts in assessing and researching the Prophet's Traditions, which are different from the assessments and researchs of hadith scholars.
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