Maintaining environmental sustainability is one of the global challenges faced by the world today. Each year, climate change is significantly observed through phenomena such as rising temperatures affecting rainfall distribution, cyclones, flooding, and glacial melt. These threats, which endanger ecosystems and human lives, stem from greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. This article explores the maqasid (higher objectives) of preserving environmental sustainability through an analysis of religious texts, particularly those related to the rituals of Hajj. Furthermore, this article aims to identify and propose the roles that each agency and individual involved in the implementation of Hajj must play in addressing climate change and maintaining environmental sustainability. This qualitative study adopts an exploratory and content analysis approach. Data were collected using document analysis methods and subsequently analyzed through content analysis techniques. This methodology allows for the analysis and identification of the alignment between the maqasid of preserving environmental sustainability and the implementation of Hajj rituals. The study finds that Islam, through religious texts, demands the preservation and conservation of the environment to maintain sustainability. This is evident both explicitly and implicitly through the requirements for the performance of rituals guided by revelation. Indirectly, it also suggests that our response, whether as individuals or communities, plays a crucial role in safeguarding environmental sustainability for future generations.
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