International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Comparing Public and Private Sectors in Malaysia: A Study of Human Resource Management Practices among Sports Graduates

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Good performance for an organization can be seen through the effectiveness of human resource management practices on employees. Employees are a vital asset in an organization that will strive to help the organization's goals. However, the problem of employee turnover always occurs because there are weaknesses in human resource management practices in an organization that poses a management challenge. Thus, this study examines the differences in human resource management practices perceived by sports graduates based on the working sectors. Through a quantitative survey of 370 sports graduates, this study confirmed that there were significant differences based on the working sectors for the domains of training and development and performance appraisal. These study findings show that sports graduates working in the government sector are more satisfied with the training and development and performance appraisal is given to them. Therefore, an understanding of human resource management practices among sports graduates can help employers improve human resource management practices in an organization. Future studies are proposed to involve employers and employees together as respondents in evaluating the organization's human resource management practices to see points of difference that can be improved for the common good.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, M. F., Salamuddin, N., & Surat, S. (2022). Comparing Public and Private Sectors in Malaysia: A Study of Human Resource Management Practices among Sports Graduates. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 986-998.