One of the most intriguing topics in health risk research, as well as behaviour change, is the concept of behaviour change. Understanding the factors that influence behaviour change becomes critical for the organisation or community to ensure that behaviour change is properly addressed. However, changing one's behaviour is difficult due to a variety of external and internal barriers. The purpose of this study is to look at behavioural changes that can help prevent mental health risks such as depression among undergraduates. As a result, organisations must identify the factors that influence behaviour change in order to protect themselves from mental health risks such as depression among undergraduates. As a result, this study looks at the factors that influence behaviour change in terms of self-efficacy and action planning by partially adopting Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) Theory. This paper explains how the efficacy of students' can positively adapt changes of behavior towards preventing the risks of mental health risks such as depression as a first step in a bid to reduce the chances of having it. Finally, as an initial experiment, this study provides a conceptual framework for the role of self-efficacy and planning in assisting behaviour change among undergraduates in order to prevent mental health risks such as depression risk.
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In-Text Citation: (Yussof et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yussof, K., Idris, S. M., & Razak, N. A. (2022). Self-Efficacy towards Health Risk among Graduates. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 939–948.
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