The high levels of stress, anxiety and depression among government servants in Malaysia are alarming to all Malaysians. Previous studies have shown that stress, anxiety and depression strongly affect work performance and mental health. Furthermore, everyday people are experiencing stress from different situations including work and home but do not know the real cause and do not have the right way to deal with stress. Level of stress, anxiety and depression and the factors that influence it among the people of the Road Transport Department Malaysia (JPJ) are the main focus of this study. The study was conducted at the Road Transport Department Malaysia (JPJ) Headquarters. This study is a combination of studies using both quantitative and qualitative methods. For the quantitative method section, the survey was conducted on 600 JPJ staffs but received only 239 questionnaire forms. For the part of the qualitative method, the researcher used semi-structured interviews to examine the stress factors among the respondents during the interview. A five-question set was used to interview eight respondents. The findings showed that all demographic factors such as gender, age, marital status, religion, education level, grade and job position were not significantly related to stress, anxiety and depression levels. In addition, the study also found that there are four main factors contributing to stress, anxiety and depression, namely family factors, health factors, workload factors and co-workers' factors. The researchers hope the findings of the study will help the JPJ authorities to design appropriate programs for the purpose of prevention and management of stress, anxiety and depression. In addition, the researcher also hope that the findings of the study could be used by the JPJ to review and develop a more friendly management system with the employees.
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In-Text Citation: (Wong & Subhi, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Wong, B. Y., & Subhi, N. (2022). Levels and Causes of Stress, Anxiety and Depression among Road Transport Department Malaysia Headquarters Staffs. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 813– 823.
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