The inclusion or inclusivity of the B40 community especially among the fishermen community in integrated prevention interventions is very important to curb drug abuse and HIV/AIDS issues. The impact of drug injection using sharing needles has brought HIV/AIDS to the forefront as a global health issue. While, until these recent years drug abuse has become one of the uncured social problems. There are still lots of needed documentation on fishermen community inclusivity and their involvement in a preventive intervention. Research has been conducted to examine the involvement of fishermen communities in drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention interventions. This study is based on a Phenomenological design, with a total number of 10 fishermen in Kuala Perlis, Malaysia was selected as informants (5 youth representatives, and 5 adults representatives). Plus, data collection of this qualitative study was conducted using face-to-face interviews and analyzed by thematic analysis. The results show the informant i) is often involved and actively participates in prevention intervention programs, ii) their understanding of intervention objectives are good, iii) majority of them have never been joined or self-participated in any of planning and interventions implementation. Apart from that, the results found there is iv) limitations on community involvement in programs due to their nature of work as fishermen. While the inclusiveness survey showed v) stakeholder encouragement, vi) information sharing by agencies and local community leaders as well as vii) integrated involvement of various agencies in intervention programs were factors to encourage the involvement of the studied fishermen communities. In addition, this paper also emphasizes the need for community inclusivity in drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention intervention planning, especially for the B40 community.
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In-Text Citation: (Zakaria et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Zakaria, E., Ardini, A., & Ibrahim, F. (2022). Inclusivity in Drug Abuse and Hiv/Aids Prevention Intervention: An Exploration on Fishermen Community Engagement. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 788– 800.
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