This research focuses on the relationship between the leadership style, organizational commitment and organizational culture in primary hospitals. According to previous literature, leadership ability is the ability to influence team vision and mission goals. It is the role of organizational leadership. Due to different types of leaders, As a result, different organizational cultures have been formed. Leaders of the organization and leadership style will result in organizational cultures, and thus to expand its influence on organizational commitment and form affect the validity of the key due to factors. Organizational culture determines the behavior of organizations and individuals, but also affects the organization's strategy, objectives and business operational methods and conduct or leader. Values, behavior and vision can be helpful to the work environment; they are present in every one working environment. The research conducted verification and intermediary verification analysis, and found that it supports the hypothesis of the influence of transformational leadership on organizational emotional commitment; it also presents a positive impact on supportive organizational culture; organizational culture has a partial mediating effect in transformational leadership and organizational commitment.
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In-Text Citation: (Lee, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Lee, S.-N. (2022). The Mediating Influence of Organizational Culture on Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 698– 716.
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