International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Paradise Concept and Discourse According to Mufassir Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi

Open access

Mohd Manawi Mohd Akib, Ahmad Fakhrurrazi Mohammed, Latifah Abdul Majid, Hamdi Ishak, Sharifah Basirah Syed Muhsin, Mohd Syukri Zainal Abidin

Pages 658-669 Received: 08 Nov, 2021 Revised: 16 Dec, 2021 Published Online: 17 Jan, 2022
The fundamental issue in Islam that has to be stressed is the topic of faith. Some streams or sects dispute this topic using the arguments of naqal (revelation), 'aql (reason), and the way to comprehend the unique Quranic verses. Among them are the Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaah sects of Ash'arites, Mu'tazilites, and others. Among the topics covered are divinity, prophethood, and sam'iyyat, which are supernatural elements that every Muslim must be aware of and believe in. Thus, this study will address one of the aspects of sam'iyyat that is concerned with the subject of paradise according to Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, an important Ash'arite figure, based on his interpretation in his tafsir work, Mafatih al-Ghayb. Views on the issue from numerous different exegetes will also be discussed as a comparison to analyze the variances and similarities of their perspectives. In this article, certain viewpoints from other sects, especially Mu'tazilites, were also addressed to clarify the distinctions between Ash'arites. This study employed qualitative research using a content analysis approach. The data collected through a document analysis based on the problems faced and was analysed using a thematic descriptive method. The results showed that the paradise of reward for the believers has been created and it is located higher than the seventh stage of the sky. The rewards were referring to the bestowal of paradise and its enjoyments and the cause of human behavior to worship Allah Almighty, which is referred to as al-hidayah. The dwellers of the paradise can also see Allah Almighty in the hereafter through the sixth senses which will be given by Allah Almighty for the dwellers of the paradise.
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In-Text Citation: (Akib et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Akib, M. M. M., Mohammed, A. F., Majid, L. A., Ishak, H., Muhsin, S. B. S., & Abidin, M. S. Z. (2022). The Paradise Concept and Discourse According to Mufassir Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 658–669.