This study aims to investigate the perception and impact of volunteer tourism in Tioman Island. The local community perceptions of tourism activities may influence their support and future participation. Specifically, the paper includes a review of research in the scope of volunteer tourism, tourism impact and local community support. The existing literature profoundly supports the necessity of volunteer tourism in the local community. Kampung Juara (Juara Village), Tioman Island was chosen as the research setting, and 162 local communities were surveyed. This study discovered that the local community's perceptions of the impacts of volunteer tourism positively influenced their support in future volunteer tourism projects and development. Implications were discussed concerning the need for volunteer tourism organisations to include a variety of community stakeholders in the volunteer tourism development process.
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In-Text Citation: (Anuar et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Anuar, N. A. M., Yatin, Z., & Azemi, K. M. (2022). The Perception of Local Community towards the Impact and Support of Volunteer Tourism in Tioman Island. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 647–657.
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