International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Social Entrepreneurship Approach in Enhancing Homepreneur Business Opportunities: The Conceptual Model

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The pandemic is a public health crisis with deep implications for society. The negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic are felt greater than the positive ones. This may cause the socio-economic development in Malaysia to be more difficult. The purpose of this research is to explain the important role of social entrepreneurship factor, specifically focusing on human capital and social capital, in encouraging homepreneur business opportunities. The paper draws on the work of others to add conclusion from both direct experience and observation. The central argument is that social entrepreneurship approach will have positive effect on homepreneur business opportunity. Moreover, it is argued that human capital, and social capital at the individual level factors also promote social entrepreneurship activities which will push social improvement. The paper presents a theoretical research model incorporating social entrepreneurship factors to direct a future research agenda during this Covid-19 pandemic. The paper could be used as a research model by researchers to empirically test social entrepreneurship approach on homepreneur business opportunities. Moreover, practitioners can also gain benefit from the conceptual framework and promote social entrepreneurship. It is hoped that social entrepreneurship continues to grow and improve economic growth, sustainable competitiveness and prosperity for Malaysians.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahim et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, N. H., Osman, L. H., & Wel, C. A. C. (2022). The Role of Social Entrepreneurship Approach in Enhancing Homepreneur Business Opportunities: The Conceptual Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 576– 583.