International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Reverting Consciousness in Mind to Inner ‘Self’

Open access
During the Era of Enlightenment in the 17th century, the unobservable subjects of the mind and spirit, termed as Super-Natural Philosophy, were left to the Church. What was observable, termed Natural Philosophy, came under the purview of scientists. This detachment bifurcated science from theology. In Natural Philosophy, physical matters of nature no more have a connection to the Transcendent, where they could be analysed via experiments and observations and explained by way of Reductionism. The 20th century witnessed the advent of Quantum Physics. A group of Quantum Physicists hold the ontological stance that humans are the existence of physical and non-physical at-once and believe in “non-physical as origin of consciousness”. The novelty of this paper is its focus on the phenomenological aspect of consciousness. It postulates that the human spiritual anatomy, which interfaces with the human brain, explains human consciousness. This understanding is based on al-Ghazali's Theory of the Soul, dating back from the 12thcentury. The purpose of this paper is intended to enable reverting consciousness in mind to inner ‘Self’.
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In-Text Citation: (Ramli et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ramli, N. A., Mohsin, A. M. A., Akhir, N. S. M., & Noor, N. A. M. (2022). Reverting Consciousness in Mind to Inner ‘Self.’ International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 557 – 575.