The affective domain has been demonstrated to have a significant influence on student learning. This study examines the learning motivation of students within a higher education context. It introduces the definition of motivation and discusses the significance of motivation in learning. The existing research on motivation for learning is also discussed in light of Vroom's theory. The theory highlighting expectancy, instrumentality and valence is discussed in detail. Human motivation to learn outlines the underlying concepts of expectancy, affective and values are discussed. In doing so, this study explains that motivation for learning is influenced by students’ low self-efficacy and control-belief that leads to them second guessing their true ability. Students too have lower affective response in learning motivation as they found taking tests is a daunting process. However, learning motivation is heightened when an extrinsic reward is targeted, and equally hard work is put on for the task that was assigned. The study adopted the quantitative approach where the survey is used as the research instrument. A questionnaire consisting of eight sections on demographic profile, motivation scale; values, expectancy and affective component were posed. The study found that students are highly motivated by extrinsic reward compared to intrinsic reward in their learning. Good grades are still the main attraction in the motivation to learn. However, students are found to be daunted by the thought and experience of going through learning sessions and sitting for assessments. This implies the need to embed more affective components into the curricula.
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In-Text Citation: (Lokman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Lokman, A., Hassan, F., Ustadi, Y. A., Rahman, F. A. A., Zain, Z. M., & Rahmat, N. H. (2022). Investigating Motivation for Learning Via Vroom’s Theory. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 478– 503.
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