International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Risk Assessment on Factors Affecting Coconut Field Operation Among Smallholders to Enhance Coconut Production

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The coconut production for smallholders’ livelihoods is vital as their sustainable supply chain satisfies the local demand. The demand of the coconut products has raised over the past decade due to the highest awareness of the fruit's health benefits. Unfortunately, the decreasing of coconut production cannot meet the demand, thus need importing the coconut from the other countries such as Philippine, Indonesia, and Singapore. On average, Malaysia's coconuts production from 2014 to 2016 declined significantly from 595,097 tonnes to 504,773 tonnes (FAOSTAT, 2019) due to several factors such as physical, biological, environmental factors and others. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the level of risk and risk factors affecting coconut field operation among smallholders to enhance coconut production in the future. Quantitative research was used in this study involves coconut production as a dependent variable and pest and disease attack, workers’ skill, technology and input supply as the independent variables affecting coconut production. The samples of 53 respondents were selected from 60 populations through the random sampling method from Kota Bharu district. The questionnaires were distributed to the coconut smallholders to get the primary data on the factors affecting coconut production. Risk assessment was conducted by identifying the level of risk faced by the smallholders to enhance coconut production using the descriptive analysis from the related questions given to the smallholders. The result shows that 9.4 % of the respondents stated there is very high-risk level and 81.1% stated high risk level in producing coconut. Based on multiple linear regression analysis, it was shown that risk in access to technology is the dominant factor affecting coconut field operation, which shows the beta, ? is 0.522 by using 0.10 (p-value). Technology is essential in any other agricultural industry because it can bring out for sustainable the coconut industry. By improving the technology in processing and production, it helps to increase coconut productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to suggest a better solution for the major factors affecting coconut production. This information can expose the coconut palm growers to act at their fields to avoid decreasing coconut yield.
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In-Text Citation: (Syazliana & Khairuddin, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Syazliana, S. N., & Khairuddin, F. (2022). Risk Assessment on Factors Affecting Coconut Field Operation Among Smallholders to Enhance Coconut Production. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 260–271.