International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Tahfiz Education in Malaysia: Issues and Problems in Memorising Quranic Mutashabihat Verses and its Solution

Open access

Abd Muhaimin Ahmad, Muhammad Arif Musa, Muhammad Hafiz Saleh, Norazman Alias, Khairul Anuar Muhammad

Pages 72-79 Received: 12 Nov, 2021 Revised: 14 Dec, 2021 Published Online: 04 Jan, 2022
Among the biggest challenge faced by a tahfiz student in memorising the Quran is to remember the mutashabihat verses which appear to be similar to one another. The difficulty in memorising and remembering the mutashabihat verses require specific teaching and learning methods from the tahfiz institutions, teachers and students. However, to what extent this matter is addressed seriously at tahfiz institutions still remains a question. Therefore, the objective of the study is to identify the issues and problems in teaching and memorising the mutashabihat verses among tahfiz lecturers and students. The study selected Darul Quran Jakim and Department of al-Quran and al-Qiraat, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor as the research locations. This study was developed based on the qualitative method using semi-structured interviews as the research instrument. Four experienced tahfiz lecturers and 30 tahfiz students from both institutions were selected as participants. Among the issues and problems that has been found regarding to the mutashabihat verses are: 1) no specific reference book to assist students to identify mutashabihat verses, 2) lack of focus given on the verses during tasmi’ sessions. This study has proposed an appropriate solution for each of these problems.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, A. M., Musa, M. A., Saleh, M. H., Alias, N., & Muhammad, K. A. (2022). Tahfiz Education in Malaysia: Issues and Problems in Memorising Quranic Mutashabihat Verses and its Solution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 72–79.