Zakat is a Shariah mechanism that aims to achieve social justice, especially from an economic point of view. The purpose of establishing a zakat institution in a country is to manage activities related to the collection and distribution of zakat. In addition, zakat institutions also need to prepare financial reports. The preparation of financial reports is to disclose important information and activities of zakat institutions to stakeholders. The question now is, what are the accounting guidelines or standards used or referred to in preparing these reports? Thus, this paper tries to identify which guidelines or accounting standards are used or referred to in preparing financial reports by zakat institutions in two ASEAN countries, namely Malaysia and Indonesia. Based on the content analysis method, the findings show that both countries' accounting bodies or governments have issued guidelines or accounting standards to ensure adequate disclosures by zakat institutions. Although there are guidelines or standards, the findings showed that some zakat institutions do not fully comply with the standards or guidelines in preparing financial reports for their institutions.
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In-Text Citation: (Bakri et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Bakri, N. A., Endut, W. A., Ismail, S., & Taha, R. (2022). Financial Report of Zakat Institutions: Guidelines and Accounting Standard. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 63–71.
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