International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Social Presence Theory in The Online Classroom: The Case for Online Presence

Open access
Online classroom or virtual classroom is a digital learning environment that allows teachers and students to connect online learning in real time. Online learning is a form of distance learning or distance education, which has long been a part of the American education system, and it has become the largest sector of distance learning in recent years. In this regard, many governments took measures in order to avoid spreading the virus and to ensure the continuity of the educational process, and universities worldwide adopted online classroom learning. To further tackle the alarming infection rate of the deadly coronavirus, the Malaysian government had issued a movement control order (MCO) that fully dampened the learning institutions’ operational activities so that online learning became one of the solutions to perform teaching and learning activity. In this paper Author wants to identify teacher presence influences on online teaching and interactivity influence cognitive presence. The social presence influences social context also tried to identify in this paper. To obtain the data of this research the quantitative research method will be used. Questionnaire was given to the students of MARA University of Technology, Johor, Malaysia and the sample of 38 students was analysed with SPSS software. The findings show that the instructor clearly communicated significantly for online learning activities and learning activities helped students to construct the explanations and solutions. So that within the social presence theory the online classroom can effectively be conducted due to pandemic situations and the e learning education system.
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In-Text Citation: (Don et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Don, M. A. M., Rosli, M. R., Senin, M. S. M., & Ahmad, M. F. (2022). Exploring Social Presence Theory in The Online Classroom: The Case for Online Presence. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 25–39.