Serious games are not digital games that focus on entertainment and fun alone. On the other hand, serious games prioritise education that can increase interest and involvement among users, especially children in learning and teaching. Serious games can positively affect children by the impetus to transfer the knowledge and experience gained through games to real-world applications. Children development, especially at the preschool level, emphasises several essential elements for priority attention, including values and identity formation. Values and identity formation focus on inculcating an outstanding and well-established individual to be the backbone of a generation who can contribute and function well in society. The process of planning and developing a serious game featuring authentic values and identity formation learning content while maintaining entertainment and fun features is challenging. Thus, methodology and design guidelines are needed to help the game development team model a compelling game for the children. This paper addresses this challenge by planning and implementing a serious game framework to promote values and identity formation for children aged four to six. The results of this study are a serious game framework for values and identity formation of preschool children, based on the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning principles. With a proper balance between game attributes and learning activities, the design of a serious game model includes game elements related to the readiness of preschool children to learn. The learning content applies the text that emulates the great values of the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing upon him in nobly conducting daily life.
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In-Text Citation: (Norfazli & Judi, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Norfazli, N. H. A. B., & Judi, H. M. (2022). Designing Games for Islamic Values Inculcation of Pre-School Children: Jom Niat. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1–10.
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