International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Facilitating Collaborative Research in Online Open Flexible Distance Learning Higher Education Institutions

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This study examines the critical role of collaborative research in enhancing academic productivity and innovation within open online flexible distance learning institutions. Recognizing the significance of collaboration among academicians, the study explores how organizational culture, support, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy influence collaborative research, with attitude as a mediating factor. Data was collected using surveys, a widely recognized method for capturing nuanced perceptions and attitudes. A purposive sampling technique was employed, resulting in a robust sample size of 383 academicians, ensuring diverse representation across different academic ranks and experiences. For analysis, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized to test the hypotheses, offering a comprehensive approach to examining complex relationships among the study variables. The hypotheses testing results revealed significant paths, such as the impact of organizational culture on attitude and the indirect effect on collaborative research through attitude, validating the mediation hypothesis. Similar patterns were observed for perceived benefits and self-efficacy, highlighting the substantial role of these constructs. Organizational support emerged as a direct and indirect influencer of collaborative research, underscoring its importance in fostering a supportive academic environment. Based on these findings, suggestions for future research include longitudinal studies to track changes over time, qualitative inquiries to deepen understanding, and expanding the research to diverse cultural and geographical contexts. Moreover, investigating additional mediators like technological proficiency could offer further insights. The study's implications are multifaceted, emphasizing the need for institutions to enhance organizational support and promote a positive culture that values collaborative efforts. By doing so, they can improve research outcomes and foster a more united academic community.
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