This study explores the pivotal role of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing personal financial planning among working adults. As AI tools increasingly influence financial decision-making processes, understanding the factors that lead to their adoption becomes crucial. The study investigates how perceived usefulness and ease of use of AI applications affect adoption rates, with digital readiness and self-efficacy mediating variables. This research draws on primary data collected through surveys distributed to a purposive sample, ensuring the relevance and reliability of the findings. Out of 409 surveys distributed, 332 responses were received, providing a robust sample size for analysis, with 299 deemed suitable for data analysis. The data analysis employed Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to examine the relationships between variables and test the study's hypotheses. Results indicated strong support for most hypotheses, demonstrating that both perceived ease of use and usefulness significantly influence AI adoption, moderated by digital readiness and self-efficacy. Notably, ease of use had a more pronounced effect on adoption, underlining the importance of intuitive AI interfaces in encouraging user acceptance. The study suggests that future research could explore the long-term impact of AI adoption in financial planning and examine demographic factors that may alter adoption dynamics. Additionally, future inquiries might consider integrating qualitative insights to capture user experiences more deeply, providing a richer understanding of AI's role in personal finance. Implications from this research are profound, suggesting organizations focus not only on technological innovation but also on enhancing user training and building supportive ecosystems that foster digital readiness and self-efficacy. As such, by addressing these areas, organizations can significantly increase AI adoption, empowering individuals to leverage advanced tools for improved financial decision-making and ultimately achieving more robust financial health within the workforce.
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