Considering the importance of social capital and stakeholder engagement in networking, the article analyses these aspects considering an Italian network of farms. The farms' members of “Caseifici Agricoli Open Day” (Dairy Farm Open Day) share common values and participate in the Open Day event. These companies guarantee local products and have an important role in preserving biodiversity and traditions, educating consumers, and promoting local culture. The questionnaires administered to the farms (in May 2020) show that this network is characterised by bonding social capital at the internal level and bridging and linking connectedness at the external level; however, the former aspect is indagated here. The study shows that the possibility to increase social capital is among the main reasons to enter the network and get tangible and intangible benefits, such as visibility, increased bargaining power, exchange of ideas and techniques, and get reciprocal help. The study also demonstrates that farms differently perceive their engagement in the event, which influences the outcome of the event. In conclusion, social capital is important and can be a booster for strengthening the network. Due to the main themes of sustainable practices and social capital in rural areas, the study is of great current interest.
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In-Text Citation: (Palermo, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Palermo, M. S. (2022). Social Capital and Engagement in Networking: The Case Study of Caseifici Agricoli Open Day. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(2), 475–492.
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