International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Human Behavior in The Practice of Waste Segregation at Source

Open access
Segregation at source is critical to its recycling and disposal. Lack of segregation, collection and transportation of unsegregated mixed waste to the landfills has a negative impact on the environment. When we segregate waste, it reduces the amount of waste that reaches landfills, thereby taking up less space. Pollution of air and water can be considerably reduced when hazardous waste is separated and treated separately. Hence, this study assessed the resident’s knowledge about waste segregation practices and the behaviour of residents practising waste segregation practices at source. A survey was conducted among 377 residents living around Segamat town. Respondent’s knowledge and the behaviour were assessed through a questionnaire. Results show a high level of knowledge about waste segregation among residents (Mean = 4.54, Standard deviation = 0.54). Majority of residents understand the meaning, concept and purpose of waste segregation. They understand the ways to separate the wastes according to the practice of waste segregation at source. Next, the resident’s behaviour on practising waste segregation also at a high level (Mean = 4.61, Standard deviation = 0.38). Majority of residents shows an interest practising waste segregation by separate plastic, paper, glass, aluminium, iron, fabric, wood materials and tree branches before dispose. In conclusion, the resident’s knowledge and behaviour towards waste segregation can be considered at a good level. More investigation is warranted to examine the impacts of waste segregation at source on environment.
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In-Text Citation: (Selvakumaran & Wahid, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Selvakumaran, Y., & Wahid, R. B. (2022). Human Behavior in The Practice of Waste Segregation at Source. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 123–135.