The Research, Innovation &Commercial unit (UPIK) is one of the units supporting the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) at Politeknik Mukah Sarawak (PMU). However, due to Covid 19 pandemic, all the program related to staff and students must be postponed and change to online. Movement Control Oder (MCO) implements in Malaysia, results teaching and learning online based where staff and students cannot enter the institutions. These situations make harder for the UPIK to organize program, seminar, and activity to reach the KPI. The functions of this unit are to align research, publishing, innovation, grants, and commercialization among PMU staffs and students. The purpose of this study was to examine the strength and weakness factors in UPIK hence suggestions for improvement to increase the KPI for the coming year can be made. The research is a pilot project. The analytical method used in this research is the Internal Factor Analysis method, by means this study aims are to look at the analysis of strength and weakness factors in UPIK from the internal side of the organization. Quantitative analysis using the survey form has been circulated among PMU staff directly involved with UPIK in the fourth quarter of 2021. Results from the internal factor analysis found UPIK had strengths versus weaknesses.
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In-Text Citation: (Sabli et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sabli, H. H. M., Keong, C. W., Bong, M. S. S. M. B. and, & Wee, S. (2022). Internal Factor Analysis of Research, Innovation & Commercialization Unit (UPIK) Politeknik Mukah Sarawak. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(2), 48–53.
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