International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effectiveness of Gamification to Improve Writing Simple S-V-O Sentence among Year 2 Pupils

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Past studies found that most Malaysian ESL learners face difficulties in arranging the S-V-O sentences correctly. Gamification in education can boost engagement levels among pupils in the same way that games can, encouraging pupils to develop their specific talents and maximise their knowledge. Therefore, this research identified the effectiveness of an innovation called Gamification to improve simple S-V-O sentence construction among Year 2 pupils by focusing on the simple S-V-O sentence construction. The result of the writing examination showed that low proficiency pupils did not score well. Most of them faced problems in constructing S-V-O sentences correctly without guidance from the teacher. Besides, some pupils had low motivation and engagement in writing sentences as they felt the writing lesson was boring. Apart from that, teachers are also facing problems to design an intervention to teach S-V-O sentences to weak pupils. Hence, the sample for the study consisted of 10 low proficiency research participants from Year 2 class in two primary schools in Kuala Langat, Selangor. This study helps to improve Year 2 pupils’ ability in writing simple S-V-O sentences. Pre- and post-test along with a set of questionnaires distributed to analysed data and explored the effects of using Gamification whether it guides Year 2 pupils in improving simple S-V-O sentence construction correctly. The findings of this study from test 1 and test 2 demonstrated that the pupils improved in writing S-V-O sentence structure correctly because it created a fun learning environment for the pupils to learn the S-V-O sentence structure effectively.
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In-Text Citation: (Singgaravi & Ahmad, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Singgaravi, P., & Ahmad, H. Y. (2022). The Effectiveness of Gamification to Improve Writing Simple S-V-O Sentence among Year 2 Pupils. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(2), 1–14.