International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Work Overload and Teacher Stress: Insights from Secondary Schools in Bachok, Kelantan

Open access
The study explores the relationship between work overload and stress among school teachers in Bachok, Kelantan, using a quantitative approach with 80 participants from two secondary schools. The research assesses the impact of workload, teaching experience, age, and gender on stress levels. Findings indicate that demographic factors do not significantly influence stress, as both male and female teachers report similar stress levels due to workload. Additionally, no significant correlation was found between teaching experience and stress, challenging the notion that more experienced teachers manage stress better. The study identifies non-teaching responsibilities, including administrative duties and technology adaptation, as primary contributors to stress. These findings highlight the need for systemic changes in the education sector to alleviate work overload and improve teachers' well-being. The research calls for policy interventions to enhance work-life balance and reduce stress, to support the sustainability of the teaching profession.
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